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Saturday, December 19, 2009


We've been spending a lot of time Christmas shopping just like the rest of the world. San Antonio is a great place to shop with all of the stores we are familiar with plus many more. The challenge is trying to wrap the gifts on a 3 ft x 2 ft table. We can always use the floor but it's a long way down and the ceramic tile is cold..

Spent a day at the Lyndon B. Johnson National Park and Historic Site. Ron loves history but it was never my favorite subject. I did, however, enjoy this attraction. I never knew how influential LBJ was in so many amendments & laws that are still in place today. And I always like to see how people use to live.

We toured his 2700+ acre ranch, which consists of his grandfathers home, the school he attended at the age of 4 years old, a display of his convertible cars, Texas White House, the family cemetery & the Secret Service office and barracks.

One of many in LBJ's classic car collection. This is his aqua car. He use to take visitors to the Texas White House on a tour of the ranch in this car, then suprise them by driving into the river.

LBJ Family Cemetery. Lyndon's grave is the large marker on the right. The flowers on the left is the grave of Lady Bird Johnson who died in 2007. Of course Ron had to ask when a marker will be placed for her. The ranger thought it would be sometime next year but would not comment on why it has taken so long???

His home is referred to as the Texas White House. He conducted many of his presidencial functions here and is the only remote white house in history.

Texas White House

In a film we viewed prior to our tour, showed LBJ at this same well

It still is a working ranch with the family owning about 2000 acres and the rest was given to the National Park Services by Lyndon & Lady Bird.

We also toured his boyhood home from the age of 5 in Johnson City about 14 miles east of the ranch.

Hope all is well!

Joan & Ron