Keep in Touch

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing too exciting.

The last couple of days have been our opportunity to do grocery shopping, cleaning & laundry.

Ron's knee is bothering him again so alot of walking and golf for sure is out of the question. He has an appointment with a doctor here to take a look at it. He has been treated for arthritis and received a cortesone shot that lasted 16 months. He's hoping this doctor will be able to give him some relief again. Although I'm not thrilled using a doctor we are not familiar with, we probably are in an ideal area with the aging population and snowbirds that frequent Arizona in the winter.

I told Ron I refused to take anymore pictures of him in his favorite Steston hat. So he wanted to buy this hat instead. I'm very thankful I was able to talk him out of it!! Actually I think he has it on backwards....he just wanted to give credence to his beloved Steston!!

Hope all is well!

Joan & Ron