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Saturday, November 16, 2013

You know you are in the South when...

* you see a  field of  cotton....

*or you see this "A"....

when Ron sees someone with this emblem on a hat, he always asks if they are Atlanta Braves fans...he knows good and well that  this is the logo for Alabama University's football team...Crimson Tide, but does it just to get a rise out of  these college football enthusiasts.

* you attend Oyster cook-offs instead of Chili cook offs....

* one syllable words become three syllable words....  it takes a few minutes to understand what they are saying, even though you are pretty sure you are both speaking English.

* anyone who doesn't know you  addresses you as "ma'am"   (this really makes me feel old especially if they are close to my age)

   or when those who do  know you call you "Miz Joan".

* life is a bit calmer and slower...

* the farmers markets sell an abundance of mustard greens, turnip greens and black eye peas....but never heard of bok-choy.

* a cashier says “have a blessed day” and you can only think  “peace be with you" because that is the only religious phrase that has stuck with you after  years of attending Catholic school/church.

* you  still  see Confederate flags flying

* they don't think their tea is sweet enough as your gagging on a sugar drink with a little tea added.

But us Yankees are really enjoying our stay here in L.A. (lower Alabama)

Hope all is well!!