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Friday, March 19, 2010

Early Morning is for the Birds!

Yesterday we set the alarm to get up at 6:00 am to participate in a bird-watching event. Setting the alarm to get up early is now foreign to us. "Wake up with the Birds" is a weekly event at the Agua Caliente Regional Park, a 45 minute drive from our site.

Armed with our camera & 2 pairs of binoculars off we go. We never realized how difficult it is to be a bird-watcher. Besides learning how to identify all the species by coloration, sound and flight pattern you have to be able to spot them. There were about 30 in the group with 2 leaders and I think we were the only 2 who couldn't find the little creatures hiding in the trees.

We just aimed our binoculars in the direction everyone else did and pretended we saw them. We did see a spectacular great horned owl, wood-warblers, red-shafted norther flicker & gilded flicker woodpeckers. But that is a very short list compared to the numbers who use this park as there habitat. Also saw alot of robins. This group got so excited over the robins who apparently are only here for a short period of time then migrate to the mountains for the summer. We, on the other hand were ho-hum about the robins although this species where truly large-breasted and deeper in color.

Visiting the park was enjoyable. You enter the park to a very loud serenade of singing birds and the trees and ponds are beautiful. However, we decided we would rather see nature through geo-caching than bird-watching.

Wood-warbler. We were only able to spot it because it was sitting on mostly bare branches.

One of many ponds scattered throughout the park.

Walking Path

Sunning turtles.

Flowers are starting to bloom.

Ron lasted 45 minutes then went back to the car to make some phone calls. I meandered behind the group and just enjoyed the walk. Got a few good pictures. I actually enjoyed the park and the turtles more than the bird thing.

Since we got up so early I didn't make coffee, so after we left the park we found a donut shop and had coffee, donuts and read the morning paper.

The rv park is jammed!! They are hosting a Monaco Rally this week so every site is filled and there are people everywhere. We tried to sneak into one of the seminars but they threw us out. We are affectionately (or maybe not so affectionately) know as S.O.B 's.....some other brand.

Jammed park due to over 340 Monaco rally participants

Going to sight-see today, I think, not sure where.

Hope all is well!

Joan & Ron

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your posts again. The photos are awesome. Ron, so sorry to hear about your back and knees. I hope you're feeling better soon. Today is Kevin's birthday so we're waiting to have cake with the kids. Both boys have colds and Kyle has a cough too. It was Spring break so it's helped cuz they could sleep late and not miss school. We got the kitchen finished. I'll email photos sometime. Going to mom's next Sat. to start helping Randy clean his room.... wish me luck. Call and say hello when you have a minute...ha, I mean an hour!! Love you both!!
