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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Finally back home!

After a brief stop in Central City, Colorado – the town with 6 casinos for every 20 residents, we made a few other short stops then arrived in Missouri. We spent a week in Platte City just outside of Kansas City. We know we are back in the Midwest when you get a free sauna every time you step outside. But it’s good to see trees & grass again.

Kansas is a pretty boring drive but we were glad to see flat lands again. We figured out how to reduce our normal 10 mph gas consumption to 4.5 mph – with the steep grade mountain driving in Colorado.

We played tourist in Kansas City, MO….visiting the Harley Davidson plant (Rons’ choice), Hallmark Center, Crown Center, Country Club Plaza, Union Station, Jazz Museum, Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, Federal Reserve Money Museum and the World War I Museum.

We also spent one day in Independence visiting Harry S. Truman home and library/museum, and another day in St. Joseph touring the Pony Express Museum. We’re museum’ed out!!

We are now in St. Louis and glad to be back to visit family & friends!

Hope all is well