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Sunday, June 26, 2011


After figuring out the Metro Rail system and buying tickets for one of the hop-on-hop-off tour buses, we were able to see quite a few attractions. We toured Arlington National Cemetery and saw John, Ted and Bobby Kennedy's' graves. Witnessed the changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown, awesome! As well as touring the Arlington House. We saw 5 of the Smithsonian Museums, but there are a total of 19 so we really didn't make much of a dent. Visited the Air & Space Museum...Spirit of St. Louis, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Gardens, American Indian Museum (newest), National Portrait Gallery and Natural History Museum....I had to to see the Hope Diamond. Although most of the museums are fairly close to each other, there is still a lot of walking and they are huge! It would take a month to really do each one justice. Toured Fords Theatre (where Lincoln was shot), the Korean War Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and the Capital Building. Took a city bus tour and saw the Cardinals lose to the Washington Nationals. We had a list of many other places we wanted to see but even with the Metro and tourmobiles, it takes a long time to get to where you want to go. You have to drive around and around and around the Metro parking garage to find a spot. And even the tour buses get caught up in all of the traffic. Depending on time of day, the Metro is so crowded you sometimes have to stand. Although Ron was able to always get a seat...his knee brace and cane get him a lot of sympathy and the other riders are quite courteous. It never failed, if we needed to go up at the Metro rail the up escalator was out of order if we needed to go down the down was out. Poor, poor, pitiful Ron was really hurting by the end of the day.

Took over 250 pictures, but as our recent visits to Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown Settlement, Yorktowne Victory Center, Yorketowne Battlefield and the Glass just have to see them yourself.

It's been an enjoyable trip through history.

After our travels through OH, PA and IN. all on the turnpike and $65.00 later in toll fees, we are currently in Elkhart Indiana referenced to be the "RV capital of the World" but we are only here for the weekend. We will have to come back to this area at another time to see the RV Museum, Amish communities etc. We are headed to Rockford IL for a job that should take us about 2 weeks.

Hope all is well!

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